Three Decades of Beliefs

Home » Three Decades of Beliefs
You are an older version of your childhood.
Your mistakes follow you.
The places you want to get away from is where you will always end up.
The words someone tells you are true.
You are your circumstance.
You will not have a life different from the one you have now.
You cannot do many things.
You will not get far if you leave.
You are bad and you will only get worse.
You weren’t born with much, so you won’t get much.
Good things happen because of luck and your chances are too low.
You are better if you have friends and money and nice clothes and cars.
You are not good at anything.
You will struggle because you are you.
Others know that you are weak.
You are bad and you cannot be good.
Your bar is set low and you will struggle to reach it.
You do not control your emotions.
You do not want to be you.
You grow into how you grew up.
Life lives you.

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