An Anxiety Ago

Home » An Anxiety Ago

My anxiety. Where is it going? And why did it decide to leave so suddenly?

As I looked at my very own website that is still very much under construction and read my domain name I thoughtfully chose, I had a flood of relief wash over me.

I am in control. I have the power to make my dreams come true. My dreams of becoming a published author, my dreams of having a following (in addition to my current 7 subscribers – shout out!)…all of it. I can do this. I will do this. I am doing this.

It won’t be easy. God knows it won’t be easy. But I’m pretty good at not doing easy. Through the struggling, there is the overcoming.

Perhaps I’ve reached a new place of healing. Perhaps I have one less wound, and one more scar.

And to my anxiety, for however long you decide to retreat…bye Felicia!

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