This year I’m not sending out Christmas cards. I’m unveiling my personal blog.
I’ve been journaling for about 15 years and this blog is a culmination of all of my writings.
I see it as this. If you love me, truly, and care about me unconditionally, then you will read a handful of blog posts and appreciate that I brought you to my blog. You will learn more about me through reading my blog – learn how I’m really doing. Learn what I’m really working hard to achieve. Who I am will shine through. And I am proud of my shine.
A recent interaction influenced my decision to unveil my blog. And, because I have achieved a level of healing through therapy and medication, I was able to take that interaction, reframe it and use it to fuel me forward in life. Checkmate, bitch.
Yes, I cuss in my blog. And…that’s completely fine! And acceptable! Isn’t is so freeing to know that your choices are just that – yours! And who tf cares what others think of those choices. Unveiling my blog is freeing to me. And it feels so damn good.
This year has been my best year yet, as evidenced by the reports of my daily mood tracker. I had twice as many good and rad days as I did bad and awful days. I had relatively the same number of meh days as I did rad days and good days. My goal for the upcoming year is to turn more of those meh days into good or rad days. For more info on this check out the Daylio app.
Through daily mood tracking all year, I was able to take a step back and see how I really was doing throughout the year. There were cycles of depression mixed in, but all in all, this was a pretty damn good year. Work is good. Preston and I are good – generally healthy with no complaints. I have so many blessings to be thankful for – and I truly am thankful – for the special church ladies I met a few years ago, for my job which allows me to write and create, for my marriage which strengthens me and makes me a better person, more caring, more understanding, and more patient, for discovering Boys and Girls Country – God has begun working on another dream – fostering in a few years. Life is good.
I have big dreams, the biggest of which is to write a book. Unveiling this blog is a big step in making my writing for the masses a reality! I want to write a memoir. If you don’t know what a memoir is, you are likely in my memoir. You know who you are.
So, here it is! Welcome! Poke around, check out posts from different categories. I’ve covered a lot over the past 15 years. And as I grow and heal and learn and fail and succeed and conquer, this blog will transform right along with me.
I hope you’ll join me on my journey and keep reading and keep returning. (Learn why I started journaling and blogging to begin with by reading my About page.)
I wish you the merriest of holidays. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. I love you. I guarantee you the people who are still reading this particular blog post until the end are loved by me. You lucky bitch.
With joy,
Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash